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Tale of Debut

 Hello there, 

    Well, its Jan 21, 2024 10.36 PM , a typical Sunday night with a sudden motivation to create a blog got me into this. I never been a writer, but I always wanted to save my life moments because we never know how long we gonna remember those moments. Lets say for an example when we hang out with our school buddies, we recall many moments of that golden age. But there's always a time where everyone will be busy in their own life and without even noticing, all those memories might just fade away with the time. At least we can write few past memories or some current moments, hoping we might feel nostalgic while reading all those at certain time in the future. Haha, there are many precious moments in our life right from our first love to recent hook up....well not just love, your plans, goals...your trips with friends...your achievement...hell alot we can write. If we are lucky enough, you can share this blog url with your grand kids LOL.. well I guess you understand I'm writing these things.

But personally, as in daily life I come across different people, different cultures, different works, different stories etc etc. from a little child to an old man/women just doing something to make their ends meet. 

I just feel sad , happy, inspire, anger etc etc.. after noticing different kinds of people, so just want to write whatever I feel here.

To be honest, I don't know why I'm explaining all these LOL.

As of now, I will stop this debut tale,here...Might edit later. 


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